donderdag 28 januari 2016

Lucia and her grandmother

Lucia and her grandmother
Lucia (5 years old) lives with her grandmother Ludmila, her grandfather Eugen and her father Igor. After Lucia was born her mother went to work abroad in Israel and since the day she left, nobody heard anymore from her. So Lucia does not know who her mother is and as her father started to develop a drinking problem, her grandmother took Lucia under her wings and cares for her grandchild with great attention. 
Lucia is supposed to be in kindergarten but because in the village there is no kindergarten, she stays at home every day. Her grandmother tries to educate her granddaughter but the house this family lives in is very small. There are two very small rooms (3 by 2 meters) in the house and there is no way Lucia does not hear and see everything the adults in the house do and say. As both father and grandfather do not have work in the winter months and are daily at home, they drink a lot and nearly every night they are drunk. As she hears her father and grandfather talk while they are drunk, she learns all kind of dirty words from them and copies their speech. If you hear Lucia speaking, you wonder if she ever learns something good from her father and grandfather. She knows all the slang there is.
Grandmother receives a small pension and with this money she has to buy all that is needed to feed and dress the family. As we gave them a food parcel and invited them to the church both grandmother and Lucia were very thankful. We pray that God will enter in this family and bring peace, love and a better future for this family!

woensdag 27 januari 2016

Delivering foodparcels

Today we were able to visit several families in the village Lozova. Besides giving them a foodparcel, we also listened to their stories, their struggles and their questions. We shared from the Bible with them and prayed for every family.
May God continue to work in all of the families we reach out to and may they get to know our Lord!
Please pray for wisdom for us as we will visit many more families in the coming week.

maandag 25 januari 2016

Prayer for sister Pascha / Gebed voor zuster Pascha

This week (probably on Thursday) sister Pascha from Micleuseni will have an operation. There are some serious risks and although sister Pascha trust that she is in Gods hands, please pray with us for peace during this difficult time and for Gods healing.
God bless our sister!

Zuster Pascha prijst de Heer elke zondag
door middel van verschillende liederen
Deze week (waarschijnlijk op donderdag) wordt zuster Pascha uit Micleuseni geopereerd.
Er zijn serieuze risico's en ondanks dat zuster Pascha vertrouwt dat ze in Gods handen is, laten we bidden dat ze Gods vrede zal ervaren in deze moeilijke situatie en dat God haar zal genezen. God zegene onze zuster!

vrijdag 22 januari 2016

Winter in Huzum

De wintermaanden zijn begonnen en de sneeuw die gevallen is is voor veel kinderen en jongeren natuurlijk erg leuk, er kan gesleed worden en natuurlijk zijn er ook de nodige sneeuwballen gevechten etc. Veel arme ouderen en families ervaren de kou heel anders want ze maken zich zorgen, hoe ze deze winter warm kunnen blijven. De houtvoorraad van velen begint op te raken. We hopen in de komende weken weer brandhout uit te delen en we willen jullie vragen om mee te bidden dat we inderdaad bij die ouderen en arme families zullen komen die het hout hard nodig hebben.

donderdag 21 januari 2016

Chaos in de hoofdstad

Sinds vorige herfst zit Moldaviƫ in een moeilijke situate. Er is een groot corruptie schandaal en de politiek zoekt naar oplossingen maar oplossingen voor de problemen lijken er maar niet te komen. Al maanden zijn er mensen die protesteren in Chisinau bij het parlement maar deze week is de chaos alleen maar groter geworden. Laten we blijven bidden voor rust, vrede en een goede overheid in Moldaviƫ. Hieronder een link naar een artikel uit de Telegraaf over de situatie in Chisinau:

Telegraaf: Chaotisch protest

dinsdag 12 januari 2016

Foodparcels for people in need

As the winter started, we also started to deliver foodparcels to those in need. Following a story of a lady we have been visiting in the last month in Lozova. Lida is nearly 60 years old. When we entered her little house we found her cleaning 4 ducks. Earlier that morning her son had helped her to kill the last 4 ducks. Lida was now preparing the duck to store for wintertime and that was all their meat for the rest of the winter months. Lida had a very hard life. After she was beaten a lot of time on her head by her drunken husband, she remained with some serious head injury and very often she is suffering from headaches. In the last year she found out that she has breast cancer and one of her breasts had to be taken. Weekly she has to go the hospital and get more treatment and because her husband is only drinking and thinking of himself, her financial situation is very hard. She can’t work and her pension is very low. Lida has a son Vasile but also he has a disability and even though he tries to look  for work, he is not able to work long hours and so nobody will hire him for a long time. The situation in this family is hard and there is not much hope. Lida does hold on to God though. She knows that with Him there is still hope and she prays to Him for daily strength. She pours out her heart to God when she doesn’t know anymore how to calm down her husband or when she is desperate because she doesn’t know how to pay the bills. Lida is very thankful and feels very blessed to receive a food parcel every month. In this way she knows that she and her son will have food to eat.

maandag 4 januari 2016

Drum bun!

Since the boys came to live with us they have been praying every evening for God to bless them with a bicycle and last weekend their prayers were heard! With help from some friends and the mother of the boys, we were able to buy a bicycle for Marin and a bicycle for Andrei. Both of the boys are incredibly happy with their present and they even dream about riding their bike! We wish them a drum bun! (good journey)

vrijdag 1 januari 2016


A new year started! We hope you have a good start;) and we wish you Gods blessings and His guidance in all you do. May He be present in everything:

Een nieuw jaar is begonnen! We hopen dat je een goede start hebt gemaakt;) en we wensen je Gods zegen en Zijn leiding in alles wat je doet. Mag Hij aanwezig zijn in alles: