maandag 29 juni 2015

A week later

 Already a week passed since I posted something on our blog. Many things have happened of course since than:

On Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at 16 hour we continue to gather with the teenagers on the soccer field in Micleuseni. Between 15 and 20 are attending and besides lots of games we share with them every time a story/ lesson from the Bible. We pray that God will work in their hearts as they hear the truth!

Yesterday it was the second round of elections for choosing a major in Lozova. A young guy called Lilian won and celebrated his victory with fireworks! We pray that we will be able to work together well with the new major. 

On friday evening brother Nicu had an accident and  injured 3 of his fingers. After he was taken to the hospital and had an operation, it looks like 1 finger is seriously injured but the other two he will probably be able to use again.
We pray for healing and relief of pain.
In between all the different activities we started to prepare for wintertime by making fruit juice.
So far we have 65 jars;-) Many more to fill.....
We hope you have a blessed week and we thank you for your prayers for us and the work here!

zondag 21 juni 2015

Sad news

Today at church in Lozova we heard some sad news about one of the ladies that has been attending the church several times. We knew that Tanea (32 years) had poor health but at the moment she is very ill and probably she won't live much longer. Tanea has two small children, a boy who is 8 years old and a girl of 6 years old. Tanea's husband didn't come to church but during the home visits Spiridon was able to talk to him too. Please join us in prayer for Tanea and her family in this hard time.

zaterdag 20 juni 2015

Youth Camp

Last week we had our first camp of this summer. Thank you for all your prayers! All went well: we didn't loose anybody, nobody got seriously hurt and in the last evening many of youth raised their hands as a sign that they wanted to take a step in faith and start a life with Jesus. We look back upon a blessed week and once again we thank you for your support. We keep praying for the youth and we hope to stay in touch with them. May God bless the youth!
Around 90 people from different countries: MD, US, UA and 1 person from NL;-)
During the week there were different team games and of  course our orange team was doing a great job!!

Every morning we studied a person from the Bible: Mary, Esau, Dina and Moses.
The orange team before heading into the forest facing extreme games!
Team work is key to win!

Good balance is important too
A steady hand to trow
Holding on

Up de hill....
On the top....
And down we the mudpool!

And who does the dirty work? Bravo Spiridon!

And the final act: sliding through the mud
Tadaa!!!....the final result of the extreme games!

zaterdag 13 juni 2015

Nastea en Georghe

Gisteren even langsgeweest bij Nastea en Georghe in het kindertehuis. Ze maken het naar omstandigheden goed. Ze vinden het eten nog steeds lekker;-) Ze kijken uit naar volgende week want dan gaan ze voor het eerst van hun leven op kamp! Spannend!
Georghe krijgt regelmatig op z'n kop, verteld hij zelf, want hij klimt in de bomen die op het terrein van het kindertehuis staan en dat mag niet..... Ook Nastea vertelde dat ze 1 keertje straf had gehad omdat ze teveel geluid maakte.
Helaas was moeder nog steeds niet langsgekomen maar hun vader was al twee keer langsgeweest. En de laatste keer had vader gezegd dat hij gaat proberen om het huisje op te knappen zodat ze van de winter weer samen kunnen wonen. We wachten het af.... en blijven ondertussen bidden voor deze twee kinderen!

De oude buurmeisjes van Nastea en Georghe waren ook mee op bezoek en het was een blij weerzien!
Er werd heel wat afgekletst.

woensdag 10 juni 2015

Zomer nieuws uit MD

Ons zomerprogramma gaat volgende week beginnen. Hieronder een link naar een nieuwsbrief met enkele verse gebedspunten:

Nieuwsbrief Juni 2015

Geniet van de zomer!

dinsdag 9 juni 2015

Before the summer starts

The summer started and we are looking forward to what God will do. We wrote a newsletter with some up to date prayer points. Thank you for your involvement and we hope you have a great summer!

Newsletter June 2015

maandag 8 juni 2015

Church in Lozova

We would like to ask your prayers for the church in Lozova. Very few people are attending the church on Sunday at the moment. In summer there is of course a lot of work to do but we hope and pray that people will still make time for God since He is the source of everything! We heard about several families who used to come to church, that they are not doing oke.

When we came to visit, we found Nicu, Georghe and Valeras
reading the Children Bible with their aunt.
Every week we visit several families at home to see how they are doing. If they don't come to church, the church comes to them.... Last week we found these 3 brothers at home with an aunt. Mother went to work on the fields and nobody knew where father was. This family used to come to church but we haven't seen them in weeks. Father started drinking again and we understood that there have been some serious fights and beating in the house. Also the boys got beaten by father. Let's lift up this family in prayer and may God bring rest and peace again!

vrijdag 5 juni 2015

Worldlead training

This week we attended a 3 days-training at the OM base in Chisinau. Besides some Bible study we talked about life principles, character building and leadership.
We are thankful for the new input and we pray that God will help us to put into practice what we have heard and learned.