zaterdag 28 november 2015


Vandaag hadden we de lang verwachte bijbel quiz voor de tieners! Het thema was "het leven van Jozef". Iedereen had zich goed voorbereid door het hele leven van Jozef door te lezen en te bestuderen. Vier tienerclubjes uit verschillende dorpen namen het tegen elkaar op: Micleuseni, Huzum, Lozova en Nisporeni. In totaal deden er 30 tieners mee aan de wedstrijd. De verwachtingen waren hoog gespannen! Uiteindelijk heeft Lozova gewonnen en zij kregen een diploma en een super snicker! De anderen kregen natuurlijk ook een kado voor de inzet en zo ging iedereen blij naar huis! Een korte foto reportage:

Vol goede moed, op naar de kerk!
De jury probeert even de puntenbordjes uit...
Eerste opdracht: maak een vlag met je team
Presentatie van de teamvlag
Uitleg van de teamvlag
Presentatie van een aangekleede Jozef
4 x Jozef
Een gastspreker: broeder Spiridon, met een 10-minuten preekje over het leven van Jozef
De winnaars met de jury
En ja hoor weer een mooie diploma voor aan de muur!
God zegene de tieners en we bidden dat ze net als Jozef onder alle omstandigheden God trouw zullen blijven!

donderdag 26 november 2015

Goed nieuws!

Wie kent ze nog? Nastea en Gheorghe, twee kinderen uit Micleuseni die nu in een kindertehuis wonen omdat hun moeder en vader niet voor hen zorgde.
Vandaag bezochten we ze in het kindertehuis waar ze wonen en ze hadden goed nieuws! Ze gaan aankomende zondag verhuizen naar een nicht van hun vader in een dorp een uurtje van Chisinau. Ze zijn laatst 3 dagen wezen logeren om eens te kijken hoe het is en de eerste indrukken zijn goed! Ze hebben een zacht bed en het eten is ook lekker;)
We waren blij dat we dus net op tijd waren met ons bezoekje en we ze nog even konden zien voord de verhuizing. Voor allebei hadden we een tas met kleren en wat speelgoed en alles werd met vreugde ontvangen. We zijn blij en dankbaar dat er verandering gaat komen in hun situatie en we hopen en bidden dat deze nieuwe stap een positieve verandering zal zijn in hun leven. Eindelijk een thuis voor Nastea een Gheorghe!

en Nastea laat even haar nieuwe jas zien.

Gheorghe heeft een nieuwe muts...

maandag 23 november 2015

Familie optreden

Gisteren een optreden in familie setting. Zie link voor de live-versie: Filmpje

zondag 22 november 2015

The church in Lozova

Sometimes we get the question from people in Lozova were we are meeting as a church. And nearly always there is some confusion  as we explain in which house we meet. But from today this problem is solved: we put to big posters on the fences and now whole Lozova will know where the church is! May many come and hear the truth!

God has priority.
Jesus is life. The rest are details.

woensdag 18 november 2015

Bidstond in Lozova / Prayer meeting in Lozova

Vanavond de eerste bidstond gehad in Lozova. Met 7 broeders en zusters en 3 kinderen hebben we gebeden voor Lozova, Frankrijk, Moldavie en onze persoonlijke verzoeken. God zegene Lozova!

Tonight we had the first prayer meeting in Lozova. With 7 brothers and sisters and 3 children we prayed for Lozova, France, Moldova and some personal request. May God bless Lozova!

maandag 16 november 2015

Winterclothes for Dumitru

Dumitru is 6 years old and has had already a hard life. When he was 2 years old his parents separated and his father took him to live with him. Unfortunately father was drinking a lot and often he forgot to take care of Dumitru so he would be left by himself. As a two year old he would walk on the street and beg for food. When his mother heard how father was taking care of Dumitru, she went to the village where he lived and wanted to take Dumitru but father heard about her coming and hide Dumitru. Mother went home without Dumitru. This happened several times; mother would go to the village with the intention to take her son but every time father found out she was coming and he would hide Dumitru. Until one day mother got a call from a neighbor asking her to come as quick as possible and take Dumitru. Dumitru had gone to the neighbor to ask for food and she took him into her house and called mother. In this way mother was able to take Dumitru and bring him home with her. He was 4 years old when he came to live with his mother. The first weeks it was hard for mother and Dumitru because they all had to get used to the new situation. Dumitru didn’t want to take baths because he was afraid of water, he hardly ever took a bath while living with his father. He never learned to eat in a proper way etc. but after some time Dumitru accommodated and he got used to his mother, his siblings and grandparents. Mother was still afraid to let him play outside with her other children because she expected father to turn up and take Dumitru from her. But so far father didn’t turn up and it seems that he has forgotten that he has a son. Mother tries to take care of her 3 children in the best way she can but without a stable income there is always a lack of finances. Dumitru and his sister Cristina have to go to the kindergarten next month but they didn’t have good shoes and warm clothes and so mother worried how she would be able to dress her children and get them ready to go to the kindergarten in December. When mother heard that she would receive help to buy some clothes for her children she was very thankful and she actually said: “I think this help must come from God cause only He knew we needed help”.

vrijdag 13 november 2015


Today Dima was the first at the Day Centre in Huzum. He was sitting on the well, in the sun, near the enterance of the church property. He was ready for the program and one of his first questions was: are we going to color? Cause this is his favorite activity;) Dima is 5 years old and he lives with his mother and older sister Madelina (7 years). He does not go to school yet so he is by himself for a big part of the day. When his mother finds work, she is gone for the whole day and his sister has to go to school. So a lot of time Dima spends on the streets and every day when the Day Centre opens Dima is present and he enjoys the attention he gets and normally he eats two plates of food so that is something he enjoys too! May God bless Dima and his family! We would like to ask you to pray with us for the work with the children in Huzum, May God work in the hearts of the children and in their families. He knows all of them and cares for them!

donderdag 12 november 2015

Preparing the land

Today the local church from Lozova, several brothers from Micleuseni and the local OM team put the hands together and cleaned the piece of land where in the future we hope to build a church. The weed had grown high and it was hard work but with help of some tractors and our own efforts we did a good job. There is still some work to be done but the land is prepared now and in the spring we hope to sow grass and have a nice grass field later-on. And as we prepared today the land for the grass seeds, we continue to pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people in Lozova for the seeds of the Gospel. God bless Lozova!

Vasea and Liuda working hard
Girl power!
OM team in action
Our youngest worker

The land (nearly) weed free!

vrijdag 6 november 2015

Day 3/3 with B4L

The last day of the visit of B4L we spend in the village Micleuseni. Today was a cold day and not many people wanted to enter in the bus in the morning but we were able to visit again several families and shared with them about Gods love.

In the afternoon we moved the bus to the stadion and probably around 60 children and teenagers came to enjoy different games, bouncing castle and of course also with the children we talked about Gods love and care for every person. We continue to pray for the people and children from Micleuseni. May God soften their hearts!

donderdag 5 november 2015

Day2/3 with B4L

As the bus approached the village Huzum in the morning, the first thing we saw was a group of about 10 children waiting at the enterance of the village. They did not go to school because they had heard that the bus would come. So since early morning they waited for the bus to arrive.

After the bus got parked, we split up in two teams and went into the village to invite people to come and visit the bus. Meanwhile we were able to bless 4 families with a foodparcel and we talked with these families some more about God.

As soon as all the children came from school, the area around the bus got more crowded with children and so the bouncing castle and the trampoline were installed and the kids program started! Inside the bus the children watched a cartoon about the prodigal son and with a puppet theatre the program was closed.

 We praise God for a blessed day and we keep praying for the salavtion of the people and children from Huzum. May God bless Huzum!

woensdag 4 november 2015

Day 1/3 with B4L

After some starting problems and with a little delay the bus arrived well in Nisporeni and very soon people passing by approached the bus and asked what was happening. A nice chance to share about our faith and why we do what we do. Also a group of about 50 children came to enjoy the bouncing castle, the trampoline, the parachute games and of course there was a puppet theathre at the end of the childrens program where the Gospel was shared. We continue to pray for the coming 2 days when the bus will be in Huzum and Micleuseni.

dinsdag 3 november 2015

Bus4Life in visit

This week we will have 3 days of working with the Bus4Life. There will be children programs, youth ministry, street evangelism, etc. We would like to ask you to pray for the local team here as we reach out in the town Nisporeni and in the villages Huzum and Micleuseni. We pray that God will use us to plant seeds and make Him known! May God bless the work with B4L!