vrijdag 14 juli 2017


Yesterday evening, finally the moment had come: after nearly 2 years the mother of the boys came back. She has 1 month of holiday after that she plans to go again back to work. All the boys had waited for this moment but especially for Andrei and Marin the final hours went by sooo slow... We hope and pray that they will have a great time together. May God bless them!

Gisteravond was het dan zover: na bijna 2 jaar kwam de moeder van de jongens weer terug. Ze heeft een maandje vakantie en daarna zal ze weer terug gaan naar Israel. Alledrie de jongens hadden dit moment vol spanning afgewacht maar vooral voor Andrei en Marin gingen de laatste paar uurtje zooo langzaam.... We hopen en bidden dat ze een mooie tijd met elkaar zullen hebben. Moge God ze zegenen!

donderdag 13 juli 2017

Outreach in Lozova and Micleuseni

In the last couple of days we were able, together with an outreach team from OM, to organize two children programs per day. In the morning we were working in Lozova and in the afternoon we were with the children in Micleuseni and Huzum.
Although the local authorities in Lozova said that we couldn't organize kidsprograms, only if we had written permission of each parent of each child that joined the program, still around 20-25 children came. They had fun jumping on the bouncing castle, playing games, watching a puppet show and listening to a Bible story. On the final day we were able to share the Gospel and we prayed with the children. May the seed that has been planted bring forth fruit in their lives and their families.

In Micleuseni around 70-100 kids showed up. More work for us but also here we had a blessed time and were able on the final day to split the children up in smaller groups and the Gospel was also shared with them and we were able to pray together with them too.

Two weeks ago I told these girls that on the 6th of July there would be a kids program at the stadium so they had been counting the days and when we arrived at the stadium, they were waiting for us to come.

The first Day Camp in Lozova!

Every day we were also able to do some home visits. This lady is called Olga and some time ago we gave her a Bible and she shared with us how she had been reading about how God had created the world, including man, she emphasized. She keeps the Bible in the plastic bag because she wanted to show it first to the Orthodox priest so he could check if it was oke to read it. But she didn't find the time and so she started to read anyway. We encouraged her to read more and showed her where the Gospel of John was. May God bless this lady and may she get to know God personally through reading His Word.

dinsdag 4 juli 2017

Reaching out

Starting on Thursday, together with a team from OM, we will have 5 days of reaching out to those around us in the villages Lozova, Micleuseni, Huzum and Dolna. We plan to visit families at home with food parcels, we will have kids programs in the afternoon and probably some youth meetings in the evenings and probabaly some more activities we don't know yet now;). We would like to ask you to join us in prayer for this outreach. May many more start to follow Him!