Today the journey through the universe started! Twenty children joined the journey and the atmosphere was good. Games, songs, crafts and other activities made the program interactive and interesting. We shared today about Gods creation and how God made all of them unique and special. Hopefully tomorrow even more children will join in and we would like to ask you to join us in prayer for this week.
maandag 30 oktober 2017
De reis is begonnen! / The journey had started!
Vandaag is de reis door het heelal begonnen! Er waren twintig kinderen gekomen en de sfeer was goed. Spelletjes, liedjes, knustelwerkjes en andere activiteiten zorgden ervoor dat het programma interactief en interesant was. Vandaag hebben we het over de schepping gehad and hoe God iedereen uniek en speciaal heeft geschapen. Hopelijk komen er morgen nog meer kinderen en we willen jullie vragen om mee te bidden voor deze week.
Today the journey through the universe started! Twenty children joined the journey and the atmosphere was good. Games, songs, crafts and other activities made the program interactive and interesting. We shared today about Gods creation and how God made all of them unique and special. Hopefully tomorrow even more children will join in and we would like to ask you to join us in prayer for this week.
Today the journey through the universe started! Twenty children joined the journey and the atmosphere was good. Games, songs, crafts and other activities made the program interactive and interesting. We shared today about Gods creation and how God made all of them unique and special. Hopefully tomorrow even more children will join in and we would like to ask you to join us in prayer for this week.
donderdag 26 oktober 2017
De reis gaat bijna beginnen... / The journey nearly starts...
Nog een paar dagen en dan is het zover: de reis door het heelal gaat beginnen! oftewel de vakantiebijbelweek;) Sommige kinderen zijn al aan het aftellen. Andere kinderen zijn gewaarschuwd om niet te gaan want zo werd er gezegd: "ze trekken je zo in hun sekte en je komt er niet meer uit".
We hopen en bidden dat er toch een mooie opkomst zal zijn en we bidden voor open harten van de kinderen. We willen jullie vragen om mee te bidden voor goede laatste voorbereidingen en voor een gezegende tijd met de kinderen volgende week!
Just a few days left and than it will start: the journey through the universe! or the VBS;) Some children already started to count how many days are left, others were warned to not come because as they were told: "they pull you into their sect and they don't let you go anymore".
We hope and pray that there will be coming a nice amount of kids with open hearts. We would like to ask you to pray with us for good last preparations and for a blessed time with the children next week!
We hopen en bidden dat er toch een mooie opkomst zal zijn en we bidden voor open harten van de kinderen. We willen jullie vragen om mee te bidden voor goede laatste voorbereidingen en voor een gezegende tijd met de kinderen volgende week!
Just a few days left and than it will start: the journey through the universe! or the VBS;) Some children already started to count how many days are left, others were warned to not come because as they were told: "they pull you into their sect and they don't let you go anymore".
We hope and pray that there will be coming a nice amount of kids with open hearts. We would like to ask you to pray with us for good last preparations and for a blessed time with the children next week!
maandag 23 oktober 2017
Church update
Last week there has been done a LOT of work on the building! Many brothers united and we thank all who were involved practically, through prayer and through finances. Let us continue to pray that God will help us to pay of the debts.
Working on different levels Werken op verschillende niveaus |
Learning by doing Al doende leert men |
The best saved for last!
Last week I was able to visit some elderly ladies in the neighboring village Vorniceni. As many of these ladies have a small pension and nobody is really looking after them, they are spending their days normally by waiting for the time to pass and hoping for somebody to come and see them, talk to them and help them.
This time I took also some of the teenagers with me. The day before at the teenager meeting we had discussed how we can help others and become a blessing for those around us. Now the time had come to put our study into practice! Two of the 3 ladies didn't have any jobs to do but one lady asked to help her to clean up her garden a bit by collecting the fallen leaves. And so the teenagers got tehir hands dirty and did a good job! The lady was happy and thankful.
As we handed the lady in the picture the food parcel, she asked us to open the bags and show her what was inside. As we named all the products she said several times: "oh this is defiantly an answer to my prayer. I gave my last food to my grandchildren and didn't have anything left. God pays attention to me".
Than she started to share what she had been reading in the Bible. She just had read about how the Lord Jesus at the wedding saved the best wine for the last. And she made the connection how the Lord now again had saved the best for last: her food was finished and now she got even better food! We were able to talk a little bit more about the best for the last and read together the verses from John 14 where it talks about Jesus going to prepare us a place in the Father house. Again He saved the best for the last! As we were reading these verses about this great promise for the future, the eyes of the lady started to shine and a nice smile came on her face. She suffered a lot on earth with a drunken violent husband, two sons who do not really care about her, illness, cold, hunger, etc. So to know of a great future that awaits, is a great comfort. May God bless this lady to hold on to this hope and as she reads the Bible on a daily base, may she get to know HIM more and more!
The lady in this picture is in her nineties and lives all by herself, she can't read because her parents didn't allow her to go to school. She had to go and work in the fields to help her family to survive. She has no children and only her neighbors check upon her now and than. So she is a very lonely lady but when we asked her how she was doing, she replied: "I am doing everything slowly but that's better than many others who can't walk or get out of bed anymore. I am thankful". This lady was a good reminder for us to count our blessings cause compared to many others we are very blessed and so we also have things to be thankful for!
This time I took also some of the teenagers with me. The day before at the teenager meeting we had discussed how we can help others and become a blessing for those around us. Now the time had come to put our study into practice! Two of the 3 ladies didn't have any jobs to do but one lady asked to help her to clean up her garden a bit by collecting the fallen leaves. And so the teenagers got tehir hands dirty and did a good job! The lady was happy and thankful.
As we handed the lady in the picture the food parcel, she asked us to open the bags and show her what was inside. As we named all the products she said several times: "oh this is defiantly an answer to my prayer. I gave my last food to my grandchildren and didn't have anything left. God pays attention to me".
Than she started to share what she had been reading in the Bible. She just had read about how the Lord Jesus at the wedding saved the best wine for the last. And she made the connection how the Lord now again had saved the best for last: her food was finished and now she got even better food! We were able to talk a little bit more about the best for the last and read together the verses from John 14 where it talks about Jesus going to prepare us a place in the Father house. Again He saved the best for the last! As we were reading these verses about this great promise for the future, the eyes of the lady started to shine and a nice smile came on her face. She suffered a lot on earth with a drunken violent husband, two sons who do not really care about her, illness, cold, hunger, etc. So to know of a great future that awaits, is a great comfort. May God bless this lady to hold on to this hope and as she reads the Bible on a daily base, may she get to know HIM more and more!
The lady in this picture is in her nineties and lives all by herself, she can't read because her parents didn't allow her to go to school. She had to go and work in the fields to help her family to survive. She has no children and only her neighbors check upon her now and than. So she is a very lonely lady but when we asked her how she was doing, she replied: "I am doing everything slowly but that's better than many others who can't walk or get out of bed anymore. I am thankful". This lady was a good reminder for us to count our blessings cause compared to many others we are very blessed and so we also have things to be thankful for!
woensdag 18 oktober 2017
New developments / Nieuwe ontwikelingen
This week with help from local brothers here and some OM-workers, the building is prepared for wintertime. As we had some rain in the last weeks, we saw how the wooden walls were effected and with the winter coming with probably more rain and snow, there had to be taken action. So there was decided to gather local brothers from the different churches in the area to help out prepare the building for wintertime. May God bless the rest of this working-week and may He bless all that came to help.
Deze week, met hulp van een aantal lokale broeders en enkele OM-werkers, wordt het gebouw winterklaar gemaakt. In de afgelopen weken waren er een paar regenachtige dagen en we zagen hoe de houten wanden daar niet tegenbestand waren. En nu de winter eraan komt met waarschijnlijk meer regen en sneeuw moest er een oplossing komen. En dus werd er besloten om met behulp van lokale broeders uit de verschillende kerken uit de omgeving, het gebouw aan de buitenkant winterklaar te maken. We bidden voor een goede verdere werkweek met een mooi resultaat.
Deze week, met hulp van een aantal lokale broeders en enkele OM-werkers, wordt het gebouw winterklaar gemaakt. In de afgelopen weken waren er een paar regenachtige dagen en we zagen hoe de houten wanden daar niet tegenbestand waren. En nu de winter eraan komt met waarschijnlijk meer regen en sneeuw moest er een oplossing komen. En dus werd er besloten om met behulp van lokale broeders uit de verschillende kerken uit de omgeving, het gebouw aan de buitenkant winterklaar te maken. We bidden voor een goede verdere werkweek met een mooi resultaat.
maandag 16 oktober 2017
Nieuw nieuws / New news
Hieronder vind je de link naar onze laatste nieuwsbrief. Veel leesplezier en hartelijk dank voor jullie gebeden:
Nieuwsbrief Oktober 2017
Below you find the link to our latest newsletter. Enjoy reading and thank you for your prayers!
Newsletter October 2017
Nieuwsbrief Oktober 2017
Below you find the link to our latest newsletter. Enjoy reading and thank you for your prayers!
Newsletter October 2017
zondag 8 oktober 2017
Een regenachtige dankdag / A rainy thanksgiving
Vorige week tijdens het uitnodigen van mensen in het dorp om naar de speciale dank-bijeenkomst te komen, begonnen we ons af te vragen of er wel iemand zou komen. Bijna iedereen die we uitnodigde, zei dat ze te druk waren met oogsten, wijn maken etc. Maar prijs de Heer, vandaag regende het de hele dag en was het dus niet echt mogelijk om op het land te werken en dus een ideale dag om naar de bijeenkomst te komen. En ongeveer 80 mensen waren vanmiddag gekomen! Er waren zelfs ook weer een paar mensen gekomen die vorige week voor het eerst naar de kerk waren gekomen. De bijeenkomst bestond uit enkele liederen, een paar gedichtjes voorgedragen door de tieners, een preek over hoeveel God ons eigenlijk zegent en de vraag hoe vaak wij Hem bedanken. Iedereen werd gemotiveerd om niet slechts 1 dag in het jaar maar iedere dag de Heer te bedanken voor alles wat Hij ons geeft maar bovenal voor Zijn Zoon. Aan het eind van de dienst hebben we samen gebeden en daarna was het tijd voor een praatje met elkaar en een warm bakje thee of koffie (aangezien we geen verwarming hebben in het gebouw, werden de warme dranken als een ware zegen ervaren;).
At some point during the last week, we were wondering if any people would come to the thanksgiving celebration at the church in Lozova. We invited many people but many said they are too busy with harvesting, making wine, etc. But praise God, today it rained the whole day and so no working in the fields was possible, it was an ideal day to come to church! Around 80 people came this afternoon and we saw even several people who had come last Sunday for the first time to church. The celebration included several songs, some poems recited by the teenagers, a preaching about how God blesses us and takes care of us. We all were motivated to not just give thanks 1 day a year but on a daily base for all He gives us and escpecially for His Son. At the end of the service we prayed together and than it was time for fellowship, hot tea and coffee (as we dont have yet heating in the building the hot drinks were received as a real blessing;). May we all be thankful towards Him!
At some point during the last week, we were wondering if any people would come to the thanksgiving celebration at the church in Lozova. We invited many people but many said they are too busy with harvesting, making wine, etc. But praise God, today it rained the whole day and so no working in the fields was possible, it was an ideal day to come to church! Around 80 people came this afternoon and we saw even several people who had come last Sunday for the first time to church. The celebration included several songs, some poems recited by the teenagers, a preaching about how God blesses us and takes care of us. We all were motivated to not just give thanks 1 day a year but on a daily base for all He gives us and escpecially for His Son. At the end of the service we prayed together and than it was time for fellowship, hot tea and coffee (as we dont have yet heating in the building the hot drinks were received as a real blessing;). May we all be thankful towards Him!
maandag 2 oktober 2017
Dankdag / Thanksgiving
Aankomende zondag hebben we een speciale dankdienst voor alles waar God ons mee heeft gezegend. In andere delen van Moldavie is er hevige sneeuw, regen, hagel, wind etc. geweest maar in onze buurt hebben we een goed seizoen gehad en de oogst is rijk. Reden tot dankbaarheid en hopelijk nemen veel mensen de uitnodiging aan om samen met ons de Heer te danken. We willen jullie vragen om mee te bidden voor deze speciale bijeenkomst.
Coming Sunday we will have a special thanking gathering for everything God blessed us with. In other parts of Moldova there has been heavy snow, rain, hail, wind etc. but in our region we have had a good season and the harvest is rich. Enough reason to be thankful and we hope that many people will accept the invitation to thank the Lord together. We would like to ask you to pray with us for this special service.
zondag 1 oktober 2017
Beter met God / Better with God
Vandaag konden we 25 mensen welkom heten tijdens een speciale bijeekomst voor mensen met een beperking. Broeder Dima, die zelf in een rolstoel zit, vertelde hoe hij in een rolstoel is beland, hoe hij God vond en hoe hij ondanks alles wat hij heeft meegemaakt, de Heer dankt voor alles. Zoals hij zelf zei: "Is het niet beter om in een rolstoel te zitten met God dan gezond rond te lopen zonder God?" Hij spoorde iedereen aan om God te vragen om kracht en troost in moeilijke situaties. We hebben veel gebeden voor deze bijeenkomst en we willen iedereen bedanken die meegebeden heeft. Laten we blijven bidden voor de mensen die gekomen zijn en gehoord hebben over Gods liefde en Zijn zorg voor iedereen.
Today we were able to welcome about 25 people to a special gathering for people with a disability. Brother Dima, who himself sits in a wheelchair, shared how he ended up in a wheelchair, how he found God and how he is thanking God despite his situation and all he went through. As he said: "Is it not better to be in a wheelchair with God than to walk around healthy but without God?" He motivated people to ask God for His strength and comfort in difficult situations. We prayed a lot for this meeting and thank all who prayed with us. Let's continue to pray for those who came to this meeting and heard about Gods love and care for them.
Today we were able to welcome about 25 people to a special gathering for people with a disability. Brother Dima, who himself sits in a wheelchair, shared how he ended up in a wheelchair, how he found God and how he is thanking God despite his situation and all he went through. As he said: "Is it not better to be in a wheelchair with God than to walk around healthy but without God?" He motivated people to ask God for His strength and comfort in difficult situations. We prayed a lot for this meeting and thank all who prayed with us. Let's continue to pray for those who came to this meeting and heard about Gods love and care for them.
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