woensdag 30 november 2011

No mom and now also without dad...

While I was working this week in the office, a very sad but real story passed by. It is about a boy called Nicolae. He received some new winterclothes last week. Nicolae is 6 years old and lives in a village called Chipesca. Nicolae's mom died last year in an accident and his father is an alcoholic. His father does not take care of Nicolae and his brother. The money father receives from the social services to take care of his children, he does not bring it home, but uses it to buy more alcohol. When some OM-ers visited this family, it was really cold but they found the boys playing outside in thin summer clothes. Nicolae never smiled and even when he got dressed with new clothes, he did not show any sign of happiness. Nicolae probably does not know what happiness and love is. The house the boys live in is not heated and the windows do not have glass in it and also the door cant be closed so the door stays open the whole time. A very sad situation without any hope for the future. Just a few days later, we received the news that the father died and Nicolae and his brother are now orphans. Please pray with us that God will take care of these boys and that they will get a place to stay where there will be warmth and love.

1 opmerking:

  1. How sad! Is there any hope for them? Good luck and strength in reaching out...
