Afgelopen week veel verschillende indrukken. We hadden een groep van 9 business mensen uit Amerika en Canada op bezoek. Ik had al snel door dat de insteek van een businessman ietsje anders is dan hoe we normaal een project bekijken. Vooral de resultaten en de effecten in de toekomst zijn erg belangrijk. We hebben verschillende reizen door het land gemaakt en kleine bedrijfjes bezocht van Moldaven die een business zijn begonnen en verder willen groeien. Ook een paar dag centrums voor arme kinderen bekeken en bij enkele ouderen thuis op bezoek geweest. Dat is dan even een hele andere wereld voor de gemiddelde businessman.
Deze week ook een goede vriendin op bezoek, Rianne uit Nederland. En na 3 jaar elkaar niet gezien te hebben en zo nu en dan een gesprekje op Skype, is het leuk om haar nu een tijdje hier te hebben en haar ons leven in MD te laten zien.
vrijdag 25 mei 2012
zondag 20 mei 2012
Last week...and the coming week!
Hope you are doing all fine and are having a nice weekend. In the last week I have been travelling with a couple from the UK through MD and we visited different project that OM has started with the help of the local church. See below a picture overview of our trip:
Slavic has started a micro business 3 years ago. He is producing bricks and tiles and at the moment he is employing 5 people. It was great so hear how he has grown his vision until something realistic and profitable.
In the village Huzun we stopped to look at the well that was just dug. For years there was only 1 weel with drinkable water for the 350 people in the village. The people were amazed that somebody came to help them and cares for them. And when 3000 liter of water was found, great happiness and even some people started crying.
The people said to brother Nicu: now the next thing what we would like for our village is a church building. Can you please help us with a church?
And as some of you know, money was collected to build a small building for work with the children from the village Huzun. Now they receive a meal on the street but in wintertime it is too cold and so there is a need for a small building so the kids can be fed in wintertime and also in future poor elderly can receive a meal of course. In the picture you see the place where the small building will come. It is right near the new well. So water is close-by!
At the moment brother Nicu is working on some paper work and after that the construction will start.
We also visited an Elderly Care project and talked with the elderly about life. Many of them were thrown out of their houses by their children and live now in a small shed near their own house or even on the street. We tried to encourage them and point them to Jesus who is the source of hope.
All the elderly are very thankful for the meal they receive daily. When it was time to go all of them got some jars with food and they all were send to go and visit another elderly and deliver the food. Serving others in need too!
It was a nice week and visiting the different projects and hearing the testimonies made me realize again that there is till a lot of work to do in Moldova!
In the coming week I will be again travelling with some people and showing them the work of OM in Moldova. It will be an interesting week again! I wish you all a good and blessed week too!
Slavic has started a micro business 3 years ago. He is producing bricks and tiles and at the moment he is employing 5 people. It was great so hear how he has grown his vision until something realistic and profitable.
The people said to brother Nicu: now the next thing what we would like for our village is a church building. Can you please help us with a church?
At the moment brother Nicu is working on some paper work and after that the construction will start.
All the elderly are very thankful for the meal they receive daily. When it was time to go all of them got some jars with food and they all were send to go and visit another elderly and deliver the food. Serving others in need too!
In the coming week I will be again travelling with some people and showing them the work of OM in Moldova. It will be an interesting week again! I wish you all a good and blessed week too!
woensdag 16 mei 2012
Day Center in Malcoci
Just got back from the Day Center for children in Malcoci. It was just a quick visit but we had fun playing some games with the children and rejoicing together! See the following pictures:
Praying for the food |
Playing games |
Some confusion in my team, we are supposed to do all the same movement! |
When the rain started, we moved quickly inside and just kept on playing |
woensdag 9 mei 2012
9 Mei - Bevrijdingsdag / 9 May Liberty Day
Vandaag een vrije dag want het was 9 Mei en dan is het bevrijdingsdag in Moldavie. Van deze dag gebruik gemaakt om eindelijk eens met de tieners van Micleuseni erop uit te gaan. Al weken plannen we een uitje naar het klooster maar het komt er maar niet van! Maar vandaag dus wel! Na zeker 2 uur heuveltje op en heuveltje af kwamen we helemaal vermoeid bij het klooster aan. Natuurlijk alle bezienswaardigheden bekeken en als hoogtepunt het heilige water kunnen aanraken. Er ontstond enige discussie over hoevaak je je nu moest onderdompelen om heilig te worden. Was het nu 9 of 32 keer? In ieder geval viel 1 jongen in het water dus die is al verder dan alle anderen!....;-)
Today a free day because it was 9 May and than we celebrate liberty from war in MD. Today we went with the teenagers from Micleuseni to a Monastery. We have been planning this for weeks but it never worked out but today we did it! After at least 2 hours of walking up and down the hill we arrived, very tired at the place. We checked out all the buildings but of course the highlight was the holy water. Mother Mary left a footprint and right at that place, a small pool was made and the water in the pool is holy. A discussion among the teenagers started about how many times you are supposed to go up and down in the water to become holy. Maybe 9 times or 32 times? 1 boy fell in the pool and so he is ahead of everybody!....;-)
Today a free day because it was 9 May and than we celebrate liberty from war in MD. Today we went with the teenagers from Micleuseni to a Monastery. We have been planning this for weeks but it never worked out but today we did it! After at least 2 hours of walking up and down the hill we arrived, very tired at the place. We checked out all the buildings but of course the highlight was the holy water. Mother Mary left a footprint and right at that place, a small pool was made and the water in the pool is holy. A discussion among the teenagers started about how many times you are supposed to go up and down in the water to become holy. Maybe 9 times or 32 times? 1 boy fell in the pool and so he is ahead of everybody!....;-)
A little break on the way |
The monastery |
Bijschrift toevoegen |
The pool with the holy water |
Taking a swim? |
Jesus, John the baptist, mother Mary and Me |
zondag 6 mei 2012
Zondagschool/ Sunday school
Vandaag tijdens de zondagschool het gehad over psalm 37:5 - Leg je leven in zijn handen, vertrouw op Hem, Hij stelt je niet teleur. Samen met de kids nagedacht over de verschillende problemen die in ons leven kunnen ontstaan. Voorbeelden die genoemd werden waren:
- je kan ruzie hebben met iemand,
- iemand kan jouw slaan
- of jij kan iemand slaan
- ziekte
- niet genoeg snoep hebben
- problemen met huiswerk maken
Kortom, een variatie aan problemen maar alle kids waren het erover eens dat God degene is die alle problemen aan kan en dat het enige wat wij moeten doen is bidden tot God en aan Hem vertellen wat ons dwars zit en vertrouwen hebben in Hem!
Nadat we samen gebeden hadden voor de week die gaat komen en gevraagd hebben aan de Here God of Hij ons wil helpen wanneer er problemen komen, was het tijd voor een groepsfoto inclusief knutselwerkjes!
Today at the Sunday School we talked about Ps 37:5 -Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. Together with the children we made a list of problems that might appear in our lives. Some examples:
- a disagreement with somebody else
- you can get beaten by somebody
- or you can beat somebody yourself
- illness
- a lack of candy in your life
- problems with making your homework.
Shortly, a variety of problems but all the kids agreed that God is the One and Only who can handle any kind of a problem. The only thing we need to do is pray and tell God about our problem, ask Him for help and trust that He will help.
After we prayed to God and asked Him to help us this week if any problem might appear, it was time to take some pictures, including the most amazing handcrafts!
- je kan ruzie hebben met iemand,
- iemand kan jouw slaan
- of jij kan iemand slaan
- ziekte
- niet genoeg snoep hebben
- problemen met huiswerk maken
Kortom, een variatie aan problemen maar alle kids waren het erover eens dat God degene is die alle problemen aan kan en dat het enige wat wij moeten doen is bidden tot God en aan Hem vertellen wat ons dwars zit en vertrouwen hebben in Hem!
Nadat we samen gebeden hadden voor de week die gaat komen en gevraagd hebben aan de Here God of Hij ons wil helpen wanneer er problemen komen, was het tijd voor een groepsfoto inclusief knutselwerkjes!
Today at the Sunday School we talked about Ps 37:5 -Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. Together with the children we made a list of problems that might appear in our lives. Some examples:
- a disagreement with somebody else
- you can get beaten by somebody
- or you can beat somebody yourself
- illness
- a lack of candy in your life
- problems with making your homework.
Shortly, a variety of problems but all the kids agreed that God is the One and Only who can handle any kind of a problem. The only thing we need to do is pray and tell God about our problem, ask Him for help and trust that He will help.
After we prayed to God and asked Him to help us this week if any problem might appear, it was time to take some pictures, including the most amazing handcrafts!
vrijdag 4 mei 2012
Terug van een paar dagen weg
Afgelopen zondagavond vertrokken met een groep jongeren uit Duitsland naar het zuiden van Moldavie en wel naar Paicu! Het was een leuk weerzien van kinderen, jongeren, ouderen en de plaatselijke kerkbezoekers. Kheb genoten van het werken met de kinderen, het bezoeken van ouderen en het opnieuw samenwerken en samen wonen met Tamara bracht natuurlijk een hoop oude herrineringen terug. Ik kijk terug op een goede tijd en hoop dat alle gedane activiteiten, vrucht zullen dragen!
Tamara en ik |
Happy kids! |
Hoe krijg je nu dat water uit die put omhoog he? |
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