zondag 17 augustus 2014

Lozova = under construction

Two weeks ago we started to enlarge the house we gather in as a church in Lozova. The room where we gather with the children is small and we need more space. So with help of a Canadian team we were able to make a start with constructing an extra room in the back of the house. Originally there was a veranda but it was falling apart. So far a new back wall was build, a new roof was placed at the back of the house and this week we hope to place the windows and an entrance door.
We pray that God will provide in the finances to put in the floor and finish the walls. If you would like to help financially, feel free to send an email;-) And of course prayer support is very welcome too!! We pray that God will bless the work and help us to finish the extra room so it can be used to work with the children.

The house we use as a church

Old veranda at the back of the house

Start of building the new back wall

The extra room so far
Inside view of the new room - except that the room is cleared out this last week
and it is ready to receive a new concrete floor

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