zaterdag 18 oktober 2014

Make a choice now, to spend eternal life with God later

This week in Micleuseni the villagers are talking about 2 funerals that took place this week. One boy, 19 years old, died in an accident. He had been drinking and together with his 4 friends, he was in an car accident. He died, 3 of his friends ended up in the hospital, 1 friend didn't have any injuries. Many, many people came to the funeral and paid their respect.
Also this week a former teacher of the local school died. She passed away in her sleep and today is the funeral.
An Orthodox funeral comes with many traditions, habits, expenses and stress to get everything done in time. There is a lot to organize and to think about. We pray for the families, that God may comfort them and that through these hard times they will draw closer to Him.

Last night it was youth night and since also the youth is talking about what has happened, we decided to talk a bit about the subject: life after death, eternity. Through a game we debated about some questions like: is heaven real? How does heaven look like? How can you get to heaven?
Together we watched the film: heaven is for real and we hope and pray that through the discussions, the film and our encouragement to think about their eternal destiny, they will take eternity seriously and will make a choice now, to spend eternal life with God later.

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