dinsdag 12 januari 2016

Foodparcels for people in need

As the winter started, we also started to deliver foodparcels to those in need. Following a story of a lady we have been visiting in the last month in Lozova. Lida is nearly 60 years old. When we entered her little house we found her cleaning 4 ducks. Earlier that morning her son had helped her to kill the last 4 ducks. Lida was now preparing the duck to store for wintertime and that was all their meat for the rest of the winter months. Lida had a very hard life. After she was beaten a lot of time on her head by her drunken husband, she remained with some serious head injury and very often she is suffering from headaches. In the last year she found out that she has breast cancer and one of her breasts had to be taken. Weekly she has to go the hospital and get more treatment and because her husband is only drinking and thinking of himself, her financial situation is very hard. She can’t work and her pension is very low. Lida has a son Vasile but also he has a disability and even though he tries to look  for work, he is not able to work long hours and so nobody will hire him for a long time. The situation in this family is hard and there is not much hope. Lida does hold on to God though. She knows that with Him there is still hope and she prays to Him for daily strength. She pours out her heart to God when she doesn’t know anymore how to calm down her husband or when she is desperate because she doesn’t know how to pay the bills. Lida is very thankful and feels very blessed to receive a food parcel every month. In this way she knows that she and her son will have food to eat.

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