dinsdag 30 juli 2013

Pictures of the River Outreach!

We look back upon a blessed time in the north of Moldova! With a great team we peddled from village to village and shared Gods Love and His Message of Hope with many children, elderly and adults. We saw how God blessed the works of our hands. He guided us and we handed out many Bibles to children, their parents and elderly. Praise God for the last outreach but lets also pray that many of the people who heard His Words of Salvation will turn to Him! Below some pictures of the last 10 days on the river Nistru:
Our first camp

All of this can turn into a beautiful raft!

Hard work , constructing the raft

Mr. Captain!
Row, row row your boat....

Looking good!

As soon as we arrived somewhere, we invited the children of the village and did a children program

Time to go again!

Playing soccer with the youth and sharing the Gospel in the break-time

Visiting local elderly with a food parcel and leaving behind some tract with the Gospel message, it looks like the lady is interested in reading the brochures, Praise God!

Fellowship time in the morning

By "coincidence" we visited Borea and Tanea, a family without hope who desperate needed help. Their house is broken, Tanea is blind and also Borea his health is weak. We were able to give them a food parcel and we made sure that Tanea could go and see a doctor so she can receive the right documents, with which she can apply for a small pension from the state.

No peddling needed...

Nearly there...

Power-nap after lunch!

Many, many children heard the Gospel and several ones received a Bible!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Looks like another great trip! Will be praying for you on Moldova D.

    Chris from England (river B)

  2. Multifunctional parachute! Love these pictures! I think all the participants are heroes!
