The family living in the house in the above picture, I have been visiting many times in the last 3 years. Every time when leaving, I would feel discouraged and sad and I would think about questions: why is there so much inequality? or how do people end up in such depressing situation and is there a way out? What is the quality of life of this family? I would often feel very uncomfortable knowing that I would go home and have all I need and even more. But this hope now and no hope for a better future.....
Vasile didn't have an easy life at all. When he was younger, he married and together with his wife, he had 3 children. Than his wife died, leaving him behind to take care of the children by himself. A year passed by and Vasile wanted to remarry but his children told him not to and tried to convince him that if they would stick together they would be able to make a living and take care of each other. Vasile didn't listen to his children and remarried a lady from Russia.Together with his second wife he got a son and they named him Vasile. Leaving his 3 older children behind, Vasile, his wife and his youngest son moved to Siberia and there his wife send him to work outside in the cold weather. Because he didn't have good warm shoes, his health got seriously affected and after a while he could hardly walk anymore.
Than his second wife died too and having no reason to stay anymore in Russia, Vasile decided to go back to Moldova. He took his son Vasile and they moved back to his village Huzum. His health got worse and worse. But because he didn't have the right documents and also due to his bad health conditions, he didn't have the possibility to go to the nearest town and make the right documents, he never received a pension. So no income. Vasile, his youngest son, is disabled too and for him it is hard to walk so to work is even harder. So also he can not provide in an income. Vasile's 3 older children were still angry about the fact that their father remarried a year after their mother had died and also because their father did not listen to their advice not to marry and so they left their father and their younger brother to take care of themselves, without helping in any way. Living without an income means practically that their house was not heated, no food was cooked and also hardly any furniture was in the house. Two years ago Vasile stopped walking and has been laying in his bed in a small room. The fact that he was not able to get up to use the bathroom, brought a horrible smell in the house. Anyway, the house was a disaster and hard to describe with words but for example there were no proper windows and just some plastic instead of glass. Vasile the son, tried in the best way, to take care of his father but it was very hard for him. Every month a food parcel was brought to this family and this was a motive for joy. Also in the last 2 winters they received firewood to heat the house. And while visiting these two men on a monthly base, we could see how God started to work in the life of Vasile. One day he spoke out the desire to pray together and ask for forgiveness. We prayed together and we also encouraged his son to come to the local church. It takes about 20 minutes for the son to walk the 200 meter to the church, but he is now attending on a weekly bases.
Vasile last week died,73 years old. Yesterday he was buried and I am happy that finally now he can rejoice again and does not have to suffer anymore. Let us pray for Vasile, his son who is 32 years old and receives only 10$ per month compensation for being disabled. Let us pray that God will strengthen Vasile.