zaterdag 12 september 2015

Wedding in Paicu

Vova and Natasha. God bless their family!

Today we were invited to a wedding in the South of MD. So we got all dressed in our "fancy" clothes and after driving 2.5 hours we arrived just in time.
For the boys it was their first wedding ever and anyway an Evangelical Christian wedding is a lot different from an Orthodox Christian wedding so they got a lot of new impressions. The result was that on the way back some just got overwhelmed by a heavy sleep;)

When we asked how they liked the wedding and what they had liked the most, we got the following responses:
Sava the oldest liked everything at the wedding.
Andrei liked the two drama's/ skits.
Marin liked the creamy cake.

We want to thank all of you who have been praying for us and the boys this week. We all survived the first week;) Praise God! For all of us it has been a week of learning how our new family is working and living together. We were able to skype with the boys mother and praise God she is doing fine. Please continue to pray for the boys and for lots of wisdom for us. Thank you for praying for us!

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