Aan het eind werd de bijeenkomst afgesloten met gebed en daarna was het even wachten op je beurt om te tekenen voor het voedselpakket, om vervolgens het pakket in ontvangst te nemen en op huis aan te gaan. Er zijn 60 voedselpakketten uitgedeeld en we hopen en bidden dat iedereen die deze materiƫle zegen ontvangen heeft, ook inderdaad nadenkt over de vraag: Wat voor relatie heb ik met de Heer?
Last night it was the monthly food package meeting. Many people (and also a bunch of children) were present and after everyone served first a tea or coffee with a slice of cake, it was time to find a seat in the big room. We started with singing two songs together, then there was a poem about repentance, the teenagers sang a song about forgiveness, and then there was a message from the Bible and all were asked to think about some questions: How do I come to the Lord? And what do I expect from Him?
The meeting was closed with a prayer and then everybody waited for his/ her turn to sign for receiving the food package. And after they received the package, it was time to go home. Around 60 food packages were given out and we hope and pray that everyone who has received this material blessing will also think about the question: What relationship do I have with the Lord?
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